You guys...we did it!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Here's the deal...a while back I got a generic email from Living Water International that went out saying that they had someone who was matching donations. So however much you donate gets doubled! This counted for donations that were received by June 30th. So...I didn't mention this to anyone because I wanted to be sure that it applied before I went around talking about it. Even though more money will still come in from the leftover items I sell and whatnot, we sent in what we currently have so that at least that much can be matched!
From the Operation Water event on Saturday plus other donations I received before and after the sale, we came up with a total of $3,500! So with the donation matching, that comes to $7,000!!! That means we are on our way towards TWO WELLS! :D Woohoo! We can totally get the rest and make it to two. :) I will let you know as I decide how these other bits and pieces will work!
Anyway, you will be hearing from me again soon in terms of the next steps for Operation Water, but I just wanted to let you know that WE DID IT! PRAISE GOD! :)
Thank you everyone! You guys rock! :)
God Bless,
Colleen :)