Prayer Requests Week 7

Hi friends,

I hope this email finds you well! This week we have two new prayer requests. First of all, please be praying that lots of people would come & buy at the sale, so much so that we have minimal to no things left over!

Secondly, please be praying for lots of positive (and free!) "press" for this event! It's amazing because I haven't even asked for prayer in this area yet and already God is starting to answer! This coming week I'm meeting with a writer from the PennySaver (and similar local papers) and she is going to interview me for an article about my event that is going to go on the front page of the paper in a few weeks! How cool is that?! Only God, my friends, only God. :) I'm not sure which paper it will be in because our church is on the line of two districts, but I'll let you know when I find out! Also, please keep sharing this event with people you know. Tell them about it, show them the website, whatever you have to do. Just please spread the word! It is so essential.

Please continually be praying for the hearts of all involved in each step of Operation Water. I come in contact with so many people because of this and it is a great opportunity for God to work.

Oh, and by the way, hopefully later this week there will be more pictures added to the "Gallery" page of this website of some of the items for sale and that will be a part of the auction, so be on the lookout for that!

God Bless,

Colleen :)